Seabird Ecology
The seabird ecology component collects data on the distribution and abundance of seabirds in the northeastern Chukchi Sea in the vicinity of several oil and gas lease areas and the region including Hanna Shoal. We conduct surveys for seabirds from the bridge of the research vessel during daylight hours. The ship travels along a grid of parallel lines that run north–south through the study region. By observing birds July–October, we can describe spatial, seasonal, and interannual characteristics of the seabird community. We also provide detailed information on species that are of conservation concern (e.g., endangered, threatened, candidate species). The advantage of being a component of a multi-disciplinary study is that we integrate the information about seabirds in this area with the data on physical and biological oceanography that are collected concurrently by the research vessel to investigate the relationships between seabirds and their marine environment.
Principal Investigators
Robert H. Day, Ph.D.
Co-Principal Investigator, ABR
PO Box 80410
Fairbanks, AK 99708
907-455-6777 xt 124
Adrian E. Gall
Co-Principal Investigator, ABR
PO Box 80410
Fairbanks, AK 99708
907-455-6777 xt 125