Marine Mammal Ecology

The purpose of the marine mammal ecology survey is to increase current knowledge of the movements, distribution and abundance of marine mammals during the open water season within the study areas. Vessel-based marine mammal data are collected as part of a multi-disciplinary environmental program during the open water season from the end of July to early October in the northeastern Chukchi Sea. Biologist observers, assisted by observers from the native communities, record all marine mammals sighted during daylight hours along north-south oriented transect lines. Besides species information, observers record other environmental data such as behavior, distance and movement of the animal relative to the vessel. The information obtained on marine mammal presence and distribution through visual observations augments the data collected through acoustic call detections. Combining the marine mammal data with information on the physical oceanography and of potential food organisms (plankton, benthos, and fish) contributes to a better understanding of the relationship between marine mammals and their environment.

Marine Mammals 2012

Additional 2012 mammal information will be available, please check back later.

Lisanne Aerts, Ph.D.
Principal Investigator
LAMA Ecological

4311 Edinburgh Dr
Anchorage, AK 99502

Marine Mammals 2011

In 2011 the study area was expanded to a total of 10,987 NM2 or 37,687 km2. The three study areas sampled in 2008-2010 were included in this study area. The R/V Westward Wind was traveling along transect lines to collect data on marine mammals in the northeastern Chukchi Sea. Interesting this year were the relatively large number of bowhead whales sighted in August.

Lisanne Aerts, Ph.D.
Principal Investigator
LAMA Ecological

4311 Edinburgh Dr
Anchorage, AK 99502

Marine Mammals 2010

Statoil joined ConocoPhillips and Shell in the Chukchi Sea research program in 2010. A third study area was added, covering Statoil’s leases. In the 2010 cruise season, two vessels were deployed as marine mammal observation platforms: the R/V Westward Wind and the R/V Norseman II. No sea ice was encountered in the study areas. During the last survey period in early October we saw many bowhead whales passing through the northeast corner of the Burger study area.

Lisanne Aerts, Ph.D.
Principal Investigator
Oasis Environmental

4311 Edinburgh Dr
Anchorage, AK 99502

Marine Mammals 2009

The vessel R/V Westward Wind was deployed as the research vessel for the 2009 cruise season. The vessel was equipped with specially constructed flying bridges which provided good exterior vantage points for marine mammal observers. When the vessel arrived in the research area in mid-August all the sea ice had already disappeared. There were not as many marine mammal sightings as in 2008.

Jay Brueggeman, Ph.D.
Principal Investigator
Canyon Creek Consulting

1147 21st Ave E
Seattle, WA 98112

Marine Mammals 2008

When the R/V Bluefin arrived on site at the end of July 2008, the Klondike and Burger study areas were still covered with sea ice, which remained in the area until about mid-September. The presence of sea ice hampered the mobility of the vessel, and not all marine mammal transect lines could be covered during the first two cruises. Still, there were many sightings of seal and walrus during this time. One group of walrus observed on the sea ice (during an off-transect observation in the Burger study area) consisted of roughly 700 animals!

Jay Brueggeman, Ph.D.
Principal Investigator
Canyon Creek Consulting

1147 21st Ave E
Seattle, WA 98112