Fish Trawl Assessment

The primary object of the fish trawl assessment program is to estimate the relative abundance (numbers) and biomass (weight), species composition, and biological information on benthic and pelagic marine fish and invertebrate communities within the study areas. Bottom and pelagic trawl nets are deployed at each station and towed for approximately 5 to 15 minutes at an approximate speed of 2 to 4 knots. On average a 15 minute trawl tow covers a distance of approximately 926 meters (3,050 ft.). State-of-the-art instrumentation records all trawl performance data during each tow, allowing an accurate estimate of area surveyed. Biologists sort the catch, weigh and count animals by species, and collect samples for studies of diet and ecosystem relationships. Common fish species seen in the trawl surveys in the Chukchi Sea are mostly small and include Arctic cod, Pacific sandlance, capelin and several species of sculpins. Common invertebrate species are numerous and include snow crab, a variety of sea stars, brittle stars and molluscs.

Fisheries 2012

Additional 2012 fishery information will be available, please check back later.

Jeff June
Principal Investigator
Natural Resources Consultants Inc

4039 21st Avenue West, Suite 404
Seattle, WA 98199

Fisheries 2011

Additional 2011 fishery information will be available, please check back later.

Jeff June
Principal Investigator
Natural Resources Consultants Inc

4039 21st Avenue West, Suite 404
Seattle, WA 98199

Fisheries 2010

Additional 2010 fishery information will be available, please check back later.

Brenda Norcross
Principal Investigator
UAF – Institute of Marine Science

116 O’Neill PO Box 757220
Fairbanks, AK 99775

Brenda Holladay
Principal Investigator
UAF – Institute of Marine Science

209C O’Neill PO Box 757220
Fairbanks, AK 99775

Bob Meyer
Principal Investigator, LGL

Fisheries 2009

Additional 2009 fishery information will be available, please check back later.

Brenda Norcross
Principal Investigator
UAF – Institute of Marine Science

116 O’Neill PO Box 757220
Fairbanks, AK 99775

Brenda Holladay
Principal Investigator
UAF – Institute of Marine Science

209C O’Neill PO Box 757220
Fairbanks, AK 99775