Zero Incidents is the result of multiple ongoing initiatives.
- Safety Documents – all methods, requirements, and plan are fully documented and available to all program participants
- Audits can happen any time by Olgoonik-Fairweather and the program sponsors
- Hazard Identification – All participants work together to identify hazards in workshops held during the annual safety seminar
- Safety Seminar – A three-day event prior to the start of each cruise season. All participants are required to attend
- Job Safety Analysis forms – These forms are filled out before any work is done. Each step of a work process is identified and logged along with any potential safety hazards and the actions needed to avoid or mitigate these hazards
- Meetings/Tailgates – Safety meetings and tailgates are held daily aboard the vessels to go over that day’s work, identify any potential issues, and remind everyone of the steps needed to work safely
- Drills – Drills are held twice a week during each cruise
- Drug testing – Drug testing is done prior to the start of the cruises and random drug testing on 10% per week is done during the cruises
- Contractor Selection – contractors for the program are selected based on experience at the task, talent, safety record and safety commitment